Kaveh AlionHead Architect

Probably the most important thing that Herreh focuses on is the user and their experience. At Herreh, we strive to gain a deep understanding of the user’s activities, needs, and emotions at every moment. Sometimes we understand them exactly as they are, sometimes we find a common ground with them, and sometimes we transport them to another world.

Once we are aligned, the design process, which seems simple and reductive, begins as follows: Everything that has been done before must be improved! Repeated iterations of this process result in what we call our architecture.

Herreh is obsessed with “bringing ideas to fruition.” We know that to create tangible qualities, ideas and plans alone are not enough. Therefore, relying on experience and technical knowledge, we engage deeply with other engineering disciplines and, with patience and a passion for design development in all phases of the project, we produce reliable execution drawings and innovative architectural details. For us, every project is a new opportunity for improvement. At Herreh, we work to continuously enhance the routines of an architectural office; the project is studied from more diverse perspectives, more alternatives are designed, more thoughtful consideration is given, and better presentations are made


Work Experience

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Latest Projects
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  • Commercial Bridge, Dubai, 2022
  • Project No3, 2021
  • Tiny House Cabin, Bali, 2021
  • Lux Modern Vila, Bali, 2021
  • Public open Teatre, Berlin 2021
  • Project No31, 2020
  • Riverhouse, Amsterdam 2020
  • Tiny House Cabin, Bali, 2021


Awards and competitions

  • Pritzker Architecture Prize 2021
  • ECO Microhome, 2021
  • RIBA 2020
  • The Aga Khan Award 2020
  • Modular dram home 2020
  • The LEAF Award 2020
  • The Royal Gold Medal 2019





Kaveh Alion